Monday, June 3, 2019


Titus 3:9-11                                         (ESV)
“9 But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and QUARRELS ABOUT THE LAW, for they are UNPROFITABLE and WORTHLESS.
10 As for “A PERSON WHO STIRS UP DIVISION”, after warning him once and then twice, HAVE NOTHING MORE TO DO WITH HIM,
11 knowing that such a person is WARPED and SINFUL; he is self-condemned.”

Identifying weak traits in others seems to be not one of my stronger abilities.   Maybe it is because I have so many of my own faults to deal with that my time is pretty much consumed with confessing my sins???  

However, there are those who seemingly always see where everyone else is less than perfect, but can’t seem to identify any weaknesses of their own?  They always can find time to analyze the problems of others, but never can SEE that they have deficiencies themselves.   

Near the end of Paul’s letter to Titus, the Apostle writes that we should AVOID “A PERSON WHO STIRS UP DIVISION”, for they are UNPROFITABLE and WORTHLESS! How does it benefit the Kingdom of GOD if we are constantly finding faults with others, instead of cleaning our own lives up?  

Until I started to SEE myself as a broken sinner in need of CONSTANT forgiveness, I too has the disease of being critical, “A PERSON WHO STIRS UP DIVISION”!  Winning an argument with another human isn’t a great feat!  It may only means that we have outlasted the other side?  We might be “A PERSON WHO STIRS UP DIVISION”???

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