Monday, June 17, 2019


Psalms 46:10                                                                (ESV)
“"Be still, and know that “I AM GOD”. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"”

This morning I am reading an article entitled “3 Things to Remember When You’re Tired of Waiting on God”.  I’ve not had the opportunity to finish the article, but I HAD to share this excerpt from the article, for it was akin to being slapped in the face for me!

“His (GOD’S) plans don’t need our approval and they don’t run on our schedule. If He said it, He meant it and He will do it.

Could God be calling us to slow down and stop living in today’s incredibly fast-paced culture—to stop believing that unless we have something now we will never get it at all? Could God be telling us to trust that He has amazing plans in store for us, plans that may not look the same as the plans He has for other people? Could it be that God is calling us to a level of trust so deep that we literally have to stop doing anything in our own strength and just wait for him, to simply be still and know that He is God?”

Why does GOD always seem to draw me back to Psalms 46:10 when I am trying to get things done in my own timing?  It isn’t as if HE hasn’t given me plenty of opportunities to SEE that “...MY ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9)!  Why can’t I understand, AND LIVE, that ALMIGHTY GOD has delivered me countless times from the valley of the shadow of death, and HE hasn’t become a bit weaker since.  When it is time for my journey to be completed, ONLY then will HE call me HOME!  

Until then, my goal is to serve “I AM GOD”, wherever HE leads me, AND IN THE TIMING THAT HE LEADS,  because I am NOT GOD!   I don’t have to understand what GOD is trying to accomplish, nor how HE wants to use a worthless man in rural America to fulfill HIS PLAN, all I need to do is follow where THE CLOUD (Exodus 13:21-22) leads me, WHEN IT LEADS ME, and be content that “I AM GOD” is in CONTROL!!!

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