Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Mark 8:31-33                                         (ESV)
“31 And HE began to teach them that the SON of MAN must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed, and after three days rise again.
32 And HE said this plainly. And Peter took HIM aside and began to rebuke HIM.
33 But turning and seeing HIS disciples, HE rebuked Peter and said, "GET BEHIND ME, SATAN!” For you are not setting your mind on the things of GOD, but on the things of man.”

Having the ability to identify the enemy, especially in times when your loved ones are involved, is where most of us can do a better job.   The Apostle Peter loved the LORD ALMIGHTY more than I have the words to describe.  Yet how many times was Peter used to be use as a teaching instrument for us to learn from.  His deficiencies were many, but thinking he KNEW what was going to happen was one of the things that he needed to work on! 

When Peter “took HIM aside and began to rebuke HIM (JESUS), did he realize that he was speaking to the ONE WHO CREATED the world, and everything in it?  Surely he didn’t KNOW that our CREATOR was in flesh in his midst and that HE could escape from any of the suffering HE was predicting?  Surely Peter thought that JESUS CHRIST would not be subjected to humbling HIMSELF to the Roman authorities and being sentenced to death?  SURELY!!!

But JESUS heard where the unbelief was coming from and said “GET BEHIND ME,  SATAN!”  How could Peter be used by the enemy to reflect fear and doubt when his CREATOR was right in front of HIM.   JESUS had been with them for some time and the disciples had to have known that JESUS was unlike other people they had met?  But Scripture states in John 16:7 “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.”  They didn’t have the Comforter (HOLY SPIRIT) yet to guide their lives.  They didn’t have an internal alarm that recognized the enemy!

When JESUS spoke “GET BEHIND ME, SATAN”, HE was able to SEE that Peter was being used as an instrument by the enemy, camouflaged as a Chosen one, to attempt to stop GOD’S PLAN.  To accomplish that would mean that satan was more powerful than GOD.   Our redemption was CHRIST was about to purchase, and HE knew the price was going to be great!  “GET BEHIND ME, SATAN” was a sign that satan had no authority over JESUS and GOD’S Plan, even if he uses a chosen one to speak through!  JESUS IS GOD and HE is victorious!!!

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