Tuesday, August 6, 2019


Exodus 14:4; 14                                                                (ESV)
“And “I WILL HARDEN PHARAOH’S HEART”, and he will pursue them, and I will get glory over Pharaoh and all his host, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD." And they did so.”
“The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent." 

Recently I watched the testimony of a computer guru before a senatorial committee speaking about technology companies mind control through subliminal and other manipulative schemes to influence voters, and thus elections.  That stirred my anger for a brief second, until I remembered that NOBODY can out think MY GOD!  

When Pharaoh had the Children of Israel captive in Egypt, he was commander of the most powerful army in the world at the time.  Pharaoh had all the known power in his control !  He could NOT be beaten!  The Children of Israel numbered over 3 million, but they had absolutely NO battle skills in their history, NONE!  

If “Big Tech” thinks they can control the minds of millions of people, they might better read the entire fourth chapter of Exodus?  Verses 21-28 might be where they want to focus their study.  Pharaoh and his army were the biggest power known to mankind at the time, and ALMIGHTY GOD only needed a few hours to render them as a memory!  Verse 28 states “The waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen; of ALL THE HOST OF PHARAOH THAT HAD FOLLOWED THEM INTO THE SEA, NOT ONE OF THEM REMAINED”.  

The United States Of America, arguably the most powerful nation in the history of the world, was brought to its knees by less than 20 rogue terrorists on September 11, 2001.  The lessons from that day are still vivid in my mind.  The quietness of that afternoon still is etched in my mind.  The entire world seemed as though it STOPPED, DEAD STILL!!!  Don’t ever think that you are TOO BIG to be taken down.  GOD changes hearts, ask Pharaoh!  “I WILL HARDEN PHARAOH’S HEART” was simply a way for GOD TO GET GLORY!  HE can do it again, and WILL!!!

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