Saturday, August 3, 2019


Exodus 20:1-3                                          (ESV)
“1 And GOD spoke all these words, saying,
2 "I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD”, WHO brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.
3 "You shall have no other gods before ME.”

The TEN COMMANDMENTS are almost an enigma as we humans can’t even follow the first one in our feeble attempts at righteousness.  Romans 3:10 says “as it is written: "None is righteous, no, not one;”, so why did ALMIGHTY GOD initiate the TEN COMMANDMENTS knowing that we would fall short in our efforts to BE YE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY?

We, humankind, have been under the curse of sin since Adam and Eve with only JESUS succeeding.  There are TEN COMMANDMENTS, yet we cannot get past the first one, so JESUS came to live RIGHTEOUSNESS on our behalf.  JESUS was GOD IN THE FLESH but mankind could not SEE and therefore crucified HIM, in their limited wisdom.  They probably thought in their hearts they were doing god a favor, but GOD/JESUS was rejected by all, fulfilling HIS Plan!

We do the same thing today.  We do WHAT WE THINK is best for us to to make money, to grow our 401k, to make sound business decisions, but seldom do we yield to THE SPIRIT OF GOD to lead us down the paths of righteousness? We are too busy trying to make a profit that we don’t take time to listen for HIS GUIDANCE and INSTRUCTIONS choosing instead to do what WE THINK is best! 

Dr. Tony Evans recently stated, “GOD wants it publicly declared that you are operating under HIS authority.”   If we are living by what WE THINK is best for our lives, we are trusting that we know better than HIM!  “I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD” desires for us to operate under HIS authority, but are we listening?  

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