Friday, August 30, 2019


Psalms 33:10-11                                                        (ESV)
“10 The LORD brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; HE FRUSTRATES THE PLANS OF THE PEOPLE’S. 
11 The counsel of the LORD stands forever, “THE PLANS OF HIS HEART” to all generations.”

Have you noticed that the experiences that we are subjected to as an individual mold and make us into the person we become in life, EXCEPT FOR GOD’S INTERVENTION!  Recently I witnessed a friend who is approximately one year younger than I discussing their life.  As I reminisced about my life and my what I know about my friends life, VERY LITTLE seems equal nor similar.  I came out of pretty severe poverty in a single parent household.  My friend still has both of their parents living into their late 70’s.  Their parents have been married for almost 60 year, and by all appearances, love each other dearly!

Conversely, my parents were divorced when I was four years old.  My mother was awarded custody of my sisters and I and my father promptly (within the month) moved to Canada and abandoned us, never paying any child support.  I finally met my father the summer after I was married in 1984, twenty years later!  I was 6’6” tall and weighed 225 pounds.  My father was about 5’9” tall and weighed about the same as me.  He came to my uncles house after their sister, my aunt, called my father and told him that she was disowning him if he didn’t come to Houston and talk to me.  In my opinion, my father wasn’t really interested in seeing me, but he didn’t want to upset his sister, so he came to Houston from his house, which was about 45 minutes away.  His plan to avoid his offspring were changed by his sisters orders!

All of this story has been revealed to demonstrate that you can NEVER ASSUME that you understand what others have dealt with in their past.  Do I hold anyone to blame for my past?  In my younger years, DEFINITELY YES!  But GOD has revealed to me that my father’s influence in my life was neutralized by his lack of caring how I was being reared and that GOD had better PLANS for me than I could imagine.  Trusting in GOD proved to be the only way that I could SEE out of the lack of self-worth that I experienced during my childhood.  

When GOD has a PLAN, it isn’t by chance or circumstance that it WILL happen!  HE can cause a peasant to be a king, and HE can cause royalty to be a beggar!  When ALMIGHTY GOD has CHOSEN you for HIS PLAN, it makes no difference what others attempt to accomplish.  “THE PLANS OF HIS HEART” WILL BE ACCOMPLISHED!!!  But I’m not worthy to be used by the Creator of the universes for HIS Glory some may say?  Well, who is worthy?  When you are part of “THE PLANS OF HIS HEART” FOR ALL GENERATIONS, you just have to sit back and enjoy the scenery! 

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