Wednesday, October 23, 2019


Hebrews 12:5-8                             (ESV)
“5 And have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons? "My son, do not regard lightly the “DISCIPLINE” of the LORD, nor be weary when reproved by HIM. 
6 For the LORD “DISCIPLINES” the one HE loves, and chastises every son whom HE receives." 
7 It is for “DISCIPLINE” that you have to endure. GOD is treating you as sons. For what son is there whom his father does not “DISCIPLINE”?
8 If you are left without “DISCIPLINE”, in which all have participated, then you are illegitimate children and not sons.”

I was CREATED by a PERFECT and HOLY GOD to be “imperfect” so HE can mold me into something more like JESUS, which is different than “this world” who are satisfied with remaining how they were created. Remaining how GOD created me should be nothing to to rejoice in.  Conversely, being constantly “DISCIPLINE”D by HIS SPIRIT into the image of HIS SON is precisely what we should desire to be.  

When I was born, my upper palate was smaller than it needed to be, causing several teeth to “come in” incorrectly, if they came in at all.  Surgery corrected that as best as doctors could, but it will never be perfect.  A couple of years ago I had heart bypass surgery adding a vessel from my leg to the abnormally small vessels in my heart.   There was some blockages, but the coronary arteries were smaller than the rest of my body.....until surgery repaired that.

Those are the just some of the physical flaws that I have to live with.  I have numerous character flaws that GOD continues to work out of my life.  The SPIRIT OF GOD sometimes does not work as quickly as medical doctors can.  HE routinely has to perform surgery on me, and it is best that I take time away (Sabbatical) from “this world” lest HE be required to “intervene”!!!

Allowing ALMIGHTY GOD to gently mold you is far less painful than HIM performing the necessary changes without your cooperation.  When I have been wrong (which is a lot times than I enjoy remembering!), I have experienced “DISCIPLINE” to correct my bad behavior.  My mother and grandparents LOVED me, so “DISCIPLINE” had to be administered.  GOD lovingly administers “DISCIPLINE” in my life, but if HE didn’t, I would be an illegitimate child!!!!  

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