Thursday, October 24, 2019


Luke 23:44-45                                                  (ESV)
“44 It was now about the sixth hour, and “THERE WAS DARKNESS” over the whole land until the ninth hour,
45 while the SUN’S LIGHT failed. And the curtain of the temple was torn in two.”

There are days when the DARKNESS seems to be almost “deafening”!  But that is usually caused by cloudy skies or a solar eclipse.  When JESUS was crucified, the SUN’S LIGHT failed.  You might say that this phenomenon is impossible, for the sun operates at 8,999,540 degrees Fahrenheit!  But JESUS said in Matthew 19:26 "With man this is impossible, but with GOD ALL THINGS are possible." 

The phrase “THERE WAS DARKNESS” might be misunderstood?  There are varying degrees of DARKNESS in our vocabulary.  At 2AM in the morning it’s DARK, but the moon REFLECTS the light from the sun so we can see.  When the SUN’S LIGHT failed, my belief is that the earth was totally dark!  You couldn’t SEE anything.  

A dear friend of mine told me a story about FAITH being taught to him by GOD.  He says that he was walking where “THERE WAS DARKNESS” one evening on a large pile of scrap metal.  He couldn’t see, so his steps had to be very, VERY careful.  He would make sure of his footing before slowly taking the next step.  He wasn’t even trying to win a race, he was trying to not take a step in the wrong direction!  

Just like my friend , without JESUS leading our way, we cannot SEE where we are going in life!  Charles Spurgeon is quoted as saying “To trust in GOD in the light is nothing, but trust HIM in the dark—-THAT IS FAITH”!!!  When “THERE IS DARKNESS” in my life, I pray that I will TRUST in GOD to lead me steps!!!

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