Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Proverbs 21:23                                (ESV)
Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue “KEEPS HIMSELF OUT OF TROUBLE”.

Although the text today is short, the commentary could be quite lengthy! The word KEEPS might be the main focus of the entire verse.  Another translation uses the word GUARDS.  Regardless, it is rather evident that we need to use GREAT discretion before we spout off our feelings to others.   In reality, I need all the help I can get to “KEEP MYSELF OUT OF TROUBLE!”   

Emotions have gotten me into more difficulties than I ever planned.  Saying what “just came naturally” to me was largely the wrong thing to say.  1 Corinthians 2:14 explains that the “natural” man does not accept the things of GOD!  Doing what is “natural” might be easiest, but is seldom what is Scriptural.   Emotions are generally used by the enemy, not used by the Spirit of GOD!   

Doing what “KEEPS HIMSELF OUT OF TROUBLE” usually takes me recognizing and identifying “the enemy” and avoiding the urge to respond with a curt or smart response.  Getting a laugh isn’t as important as avoiding hurting people we love.  It has taken GOD almost sixty years to remove the desire to be “cute” from my personality.  Committing to “KEEP HIMSELF OUT OF TROUBLE” has taken its place!!!

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