Monday, October 21, 2019


Romans 4:20-25                            (ESV)
20 “NO UNBELIEF” made him (Abram) waver concerning the promise of GOD, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to GOD,
21 fully convinced that GOD was able to do what HE had promised.
22 That is why his faith was "counted to him as righteousness."
23 But the words "it was counted to him" were not written for his sake alone,
24 but for ours also. It will be counted to us who believe in HIM who raised from the dead JESUS our LORD,
25 WHO was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification.

The Pastor of the church where I worship is currently preaching through the book of Romans.  He was in Romans 4 a few weeks ago, and GOD is continuing to cause me to meditate on these verses.  In reflecting on one sermon, the man of GOD said that a man once came up to him and questioned Abraham having “NO UNBELIEF” since he had a son with Hagar by the name of Ishmael.  

This is what has caused me to be troubled since.  Until within the last day or so when a lightbulb came on above my head and my EYES were opened to SEE TRUTH.  Abraham had FAITH that GOD would do what HE promised, yet he did still have a child with Hagar.  Abraham may not have been experiencing UNBELIEF, but he may have been not waiting on GOD.  His wife, Sarah, suggested that he sleep with Hagar so he could have an offspring.  But even though Sarah “got what she wanted”, ultimately she had Hagar and Ishmael sent away because she wanted her son, Isaac, to be a sole heir.

It wasn’t as if Abraham ever doubted what GOD said to him, but Abraham listened to someone other than GOD when determining his future.  Yes, I do the same thing at times, allowing “the enemy” to make his lies more believable when GOD has already promised me a future.  Oswald Chambers has been quoted as saying "When in doubt, DON'T"!  My tendency is to do WHATEVER it takes to get results!  FAITH is trusting GOD with the results while living my life in accordance to HIS WORD.  

“NO UNBELIEF” is FAITH that GOD will do what HE has promised.  But it also means that I have to WAIT ON THE LORD (Psalms 27:14) to act on HIS timing......not my timing!  Although I may get really frustrated with waiting for GOD, “the words "it was counted to him" were not written for his sake alone, but for ours also”!  His example is plain to me that I am CALLED to have “NO UNBELIEF”!!!

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