Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Nehemiah 6:15-16                                         (ESV)
“15 So THE WALL was finished on the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul, in “FIFTY-TWO DAYS“.
16 And when all our enemies heard of it, all the nations around us were afraid and fell greatly in their own esteem, for they perceived that this work had been accomplished with the help of OUR GOD.”

When OUR GOD performs a work, HIS Handiwork is frequently hard to miss.  When Nehemiah asked to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, King Artaxerxes only ask him how long he would be gone?  Nehemiah had to overcome obstacles, but he kept his eyes on the task assigned to him and completed the work in record time, “FIFTY-TWO DAYS”!

GOD Created the Heavens and earth in six days, so getting a wall built in “FIFTY-TWO DAYS” should be simple???  Adding humans into the mix must have slowed HIM down though?!?  We seem to always have questions and doubts about what HE is doing and how HE is going to get it done!  

ALMIGHTY GOD might have just SPOKE THE WALL into existence.  After all, HE had SPOKEN the worlds into existence, a tiny wall shouldn’t be that big of a deal!  “FIFTY-TWO DAYS”would be more than enough time to build anything for GOD.  

JESUS (Matthew 13:54; Mark 6:5-6) could do “no mighty work” in HIS hometown because of their UNBELIEF.  On July 09, 2007 I left my house headed to the hospital.  “FIFTY-TWO DAYS” later, I returned to my house after giving my doctors, family and friends a pretty big scare.  There were a very few who never doubted that I was going to “be just fine”!  GOD didn’t need “FIFTY-TWO DAYS” to heal me, but I needed “FIFTY-TWO DAYS” to reset my priorities!  Thanks for those of you who Believed!!!

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