Saturday, February 1, 2020



When 65,853.514 people actually support a person for an office to make decisions on our behalf that one of their largest campaign issues is that a baby can be murdered by their own mom, and even have tax payers pay for it, America has digressed into sending the signal that we no longer fear the GOD WHO gives life!

I’m not trying to cause arguments.  But America is facing considerably larger problems than who our President is, or how big our National Debt is, or if our taxes are being spent wisely!  We must OPEN OUR EYES AND BIBLES to SEE that OUR CREATOR is coming back one day, and we ARE NOT READY!!!”

There will be those who may remove me from their list of people they hear from, but JESUS says in John 15:18-25 that if they hate you, consider that they hated ME first!  Keep in mind though, only a few verses earlier in John 15:16 HE says “YOU DID NOT CHOOSE ME, BUT I CHOSE YOU and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the FATHER in MY name, HE may give it to you.“

The time has come for us to CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE! (Joshua 24:1)!  FAITH is far more than believing that HE exists, for James 2:19 says even the demons believe.....AND TREMBLE!  Who is going to PAY THE PRICE to serve HIM???

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