Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Proverbs 16:18-22                                     (ESV)
“18 Pride goes before destruction, and a HAUGHTY spirit before a fall. 
19 IT IS BETTER TO BE OF A LOWLY SPIRIT with the poor than to divide the spoil with the proud. 
20 “WHOEVER GIVES THOUGHT TO THE WORD” will discover good, and blessed is he who trusts in the LORD. 
21 The wise of heart is called discerning, and sweetness of speech increases persuasiveness. 
22 Good sense is a fountain of life to him who has it, but the instruction of fools is folly.”

There are many people convinced that THEY are the answer to every problem that has ever presented itself to mankind.  One of the WISEST men (in my eyes) I was privileged to know often used Proverbs 16:18 in the sermons he preached, “Pride goes before destruction, and a HAUGHTY spirit before a fall”.  He wasn’t “wimpish” in his theology, but he was humbled that ALMIGHTY GOD “chose” him to be a vessel for HIS KINGDOM.  

Finding ourselves in a world of self-edification and glorification has to be a sickening aroma to a HOLY GOD?  When we remove ourselves from what our NATURAL eyes can behold, the pride and arrogance of humanity has to fill the nostrils of our CREATOR with a stench that is directly opposed to Isaiah 45:5, “I AM THE LORD, and there is no other, besides ME there is no GOD;...”!  Yet, we give medals to others for human excellence and ignore that our very breath comes from ALMIGHTY GOD.  IF we could SEE HIS GLORY more readily with our human eyes we would probably be humbled to praising HIM twenty-four hours a day, saying HOLY, HOLY, HOLY?!?

“WHOEVER GIVES THOUGHT TO THE WORD” is not just meant to be for people that fill a ministerial position with a church.  The word “WHOEVER” doesn’t limit who “will discover good”.  The words “GIVE THOUGHT TO THE WORD” might be more impactful.  We don’t have to have a seminary degree to be eligible to HEAR FROM GOD, we simply have to “GIVE THOUGHT TO THE WORD” that HE has given us!  

Over time and in our limited wisdom, mankind has convoluted FAITH into what we THINK it should be!  “WHOEVER GIVES THOUGHT TO THE WORD” will discover good, and blessed is he who trusts in the LORD” is something that should be written on my forehead!  We can not THINK our way into Heaven, or do enough GOOD to earn our way out of hell.  JESUS CHRIST completed the requirements when HE said “IT IS FINISHED” (John 19:30)!  “WHOEVER GIVES THOUGHT TO THE WORD” will be able to SEE this!!!

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