Thursday, February 20, 2020


John 4:24                          (ESV)
“GOD IS SPIRIT, and those who worship HIM “MUST” worship in spirit and truth."

In years past, one of my greatest desires was to have GOD speak to me in audible, easy to understand, words with no chance of hearing what my desires were instead of what HE was actually saying!  It wasn’t until I realized that HE required me to SLOW DOWN my life to a pace that I could HEAR HIS instructions that I was able to detect HIM gently guiding and directing me in the paths HE was leading me.  

It’s not as if we have an option to have it our way, like a fast food joint used to say.  In the Scripture above HE says WHO HE IS and what we “MUST” do to WORSHIP HIM.  WORSHIP defined by one standard is “honor given to someone in recognition of their merit.”  For far too long I have lived my life in the drive-through lane, trying to get what I wanted instead of what HE knew I needed!   When GOD was leading the Children of Israel through the wilderness, HE already KNEW where they were going to be and what they were going to need.  HE calmed them down and gave them exactly what they needed to perform the work HE had planned for them......without any helpful advice from them!  

Knowing that our CREATOR, the ONE WHO spoke the universes into existence, is leading us through our wilderness is both comforting and assuring.  When we TRUST that HE IS GOD and I am not is where I need to be!  I “MUST” slow down and gets my marching orders from HIM, and not try to get them in the drive-through lane!!!

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