Saturday, February 22, 2020


Just thinking this thing through a bit.......

Socialism seems to have some good characteristics, at least on the surface.  Everyone gets what they need from THE GOVERNMENT.  Healthcare, housing, food staples, and on and on.

However, THE GOVERNMENT will not always have your best interests in mind when determining what your needs are.  I experienced a Brain Hemorrhage in 2007 at the age of 46 years and 11 months old.  I was hospitalized for 52 days, in a coma for 17 of those days.  Even almost 13 years later, doctors and nurses who treated me during the darkest hours exclaim that GOD was the only reason that I made it through.

THE GOVERNMENT might not have been so understanding.  THE GOVERNMENT might have stopped treating me when the costs became exorbitant.  I CHOOSE to TRUST GOD rather than THE GOVERNMENT, for GOD has proven HIMSELF to me time and again, while THE GOVERNMENT most often displays its ineptness in everything attempted.

I might have even CHOSEN to deny care to myself during this time.  That’s right, I don’t always know what is best, even when it involves my own health!  THE GOVERNMENT has CHOSEN (even encouraged) some females to allow their offspring to be “terminated” in the womb, even paying for the act with our tax dollars.

Okay........ I think I have thought this through enough!  THE GOVERNMENT does not, will not, CAN NOT have the same qualities of GOD, no matter how much they try to convince you otherwise!  Genesis 3:1 (NKJV) says “Now the serpent was more CUNNING than any beast of the field which the LORD GOD had made....”.  CUNNING is defined by a dictionary as a “skill employed in a shrewd or sly manner, as in deceiving; craftiness; guile.”  Are you going to Believe TRUTH, or will you be deceived by a lie????

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