Thursday, February 27, 2020


Proverbs 20:24                                                     (ESV)
“A man's steps are from the LORD; “HOW THEN” can man understand HIS way?”

A few weeks back my wife and I attended a church in another town. The minister preached about Ruth and Boaz, and how GOD orchestrated them meeting in the fields and ultimately getting married.  When I met my wife, she was working in a hosiery store in a local mall.  DON’T ASK!  Neither of us had any idea what GOD was about to perform in our lives.  My wife would have certainly ran had she a clue!

We talk about it all the time, how GOD IS IN CONTROL, but do we actually BELIEVE that?  GOD may not have caused it, but HE undoubtedly orchestrated my Brain Hemorrhage PRECISELY the way HE ordained it.  Had HE decreed that I have nothing affected by the hemorrhage, nothing would have changed!  I would be just the same as before.  To survive an event that was 80% fatal at the time is huge, but to do so with almost no disabilities might say, MIRACULOUS!

When GOD causes change in your life, accepting where HE has put you can go against what we had in the plans for our future.  GOD restored my health EXACTLY how HE prescribed it, regardless of my (or my therapists (BLESS THEIR HEARTS!)) efforts.  Now I can wish that my word-recall was like it was July 08, 2007, but GOD chose otherwise!  My friend was killed in October 2007, and I would most assuredly want that changed.  But GOD hasn’t invited me to be co-god with him, so I am not consulted on matters so vast.  As a matter of fact, I couldn’t even breathe on my own when I was placed in the coma!

We tend to believe that we know what is best for ourselves, and as many people who will listen to our advice.  “HOW THEN” do we expect man to listen to us when we slaughter our unborn in the womb of their mother?  “HOW THEN” can we expect to lead a family when we are watching television/movies that GOD detests?  We cannot understand GOD’s ways, so “HOW THEN” is it so difficult to admit that we are NOT GOD, and that only GOD is?  “HOW THEN”???

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