Saturday, February 8, 2020


2 Corinthians 5:20-21                                        (ESV)
“20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for CHRIST, GOD making HIS appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of CHRIST, be “RECONCILED TO GOD”.
21 For our sake HE made HIM to be sin WHO knew no sin, so that in HIM we might become the righteousness of GOD.”

One thing that I readily admit to since the Brain Hemorrhage is that I am NOT perfect.  Until then, admitting fault was not a strong suit of mine.  Not that admitting I was imperfect, but admitting my flaws meant that I was less than the best that I could be, and that was difficult to swallow.  While I was in the 17 day drug-induced coma, I literally had no control over anything, not even my breathing.  During the next few years I realized just how much that we (mainly “I”) was NOT IN CONTROL, and that ALMIGHTY GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!

Onto another point, an ambassador (v20) is defined as an “official representative”.  We (humans who Believe) only represent CHRIST.  WE ARE NOT GOD!  Everyone of us (and in spite of what Paul writes in 1 Timothy 1:15  I AM THE WORST) is born IN SIN, imperfect, needing a Savior.  JESUS was born, not of man, BUT OF GOD (John 1:13) for the explicit purpose to be sacrificed for our sin!  JESUS became our “official representative” of GOD so that we could become HIS “official representative” (through imputation) for GOD to a world that cannot understand (1 Corinthians 2:14) that kind of LOVE!

This morning I was skimming through a social media site and saw the following quote, “Sleep is a daily reminder from God that we are not God”, by John Piper.  When you finally HAVE YOUR EYES OPENED that you are not invincible, that you are fallible, and error is a HUGE part of who you are, ONLY THEN are you able to SEE that we need to be “RECONCILED TO GOD”, WHO IS with fault!  JESUS came so that we could have our sins IMPUTED (transferred) onto HIM, and have HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IMPUTED onto us!

ALMIGHTY GOD “... made HIM to be sin WHO knew no sin, so that in HIM we might become the righteousness of GOD”!!  But we must BE CHOSEN by HIM (John 15:16) to have or EYES opened and SEE our lostness!  The JOY and PEACE that JESUS has brought to my life is indescribable.  The sin and death that HE transferred onto HIMSELF was equally as great!  JESUS has allowed me to be “RECONCILED TO GOD” and I am eternally grateful!!!

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