Monday, July 12, 2021


 Genesis 22:13-14                    (ESV)

“[13] And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, behind him was a ram, caught in a thicket by his horns. And Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering INSTEAD OF HIS SON. [14] So Abraham called the name of that place, “THE  LORD WILL PROVIDE”; as it is said to this day, “On THE MOUNT OF THE LORD it shall be provided.””

My EYES were opened recently in a BIBLE study at the fellowship I attend.  Our pastor said that the Latin version used for PROVIDE here was “providéo”, or substitute!  Abraham had taken his son, his “only son” Isaac according GOD speaking in Genesis 22:2, to Mount Moriah in OBEDIENCE to the command of THE LORD to offer Isaac as a sacrifice.  Ishmael wasn’t the son of PROMISE OF GOD in Genesis 15:4, but resulted in the impatience of Sarai and Abram trying to help GOD!

It is interesting to this humble servant that GOD had Abraham carry Isaac to THE MOUNT OF THE LORD , a place where GOD often performs HIS grandest achievements.  Mount Moriah, Mount Sinai, and Mount Calvary are just a few examples that come to my mind.   Of course, every mountain was THE MOUNT OF THE LORD as “The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein…” according to Psalm 24:1, so they ALL belong to HIM.  

It was not a “coincidence” that this innocent, unsuspecting ram (Genesis 22:13) was entangled in a thicket by its horns.  It was GOD “providéo”ing for Abraham, just like JESUS did for me on Mount Calvary!  Isaac “should have” been sacrificed on Mount Moriah that day.  I should have been crucified on Mount Calvary that day.  BUT GOD substituted for ALL and paid the price for our sinfulness.  

Having a “providéo” WHO is the SON OF GOD is the best blessing I can fathom.  WHO else could REDEEM such a worthless sinner?  Just as a ram was amazingly caught in a thicket right where it could be seen by Abraham, JESUS CHRIST was right where HE could be seen by me on January 08, 1978!  HE called me out of “this world” and into HIS marvelous light!  “THE LORD WILL PROVIDE” is on HIS timeline, something that I need to exhibit more in my testimony!!!

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