Friday, September 16, 2022


Matthew 27:11-14                                 (ESV)

JESUS Before Pilate

“[11] Now JESUS stood before the governor, and the governor asked HIM, “Are you the King of the Jews?” JESUS said, “You have said so.” [12] But when HE was accused by the chief priests and elders, “HE GAVE NO ANSWER”. [13] Then Pilate said to HIM, “Do you not hear how many things they testify against YOU?” [14] But HE gave him no answer, not even to a single charge, so that THE GOVERNOR WAS GREATLY AMAZED.”

A few days ago in my “quiet time” this passage of Scripture came to my mind.  JESUS, the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES, was telling Pilate NOTHING in HIS defense, and Pilate saying that he could find NO FAULT in JESUS (Luke 23:4) must have seen nothing proved that HE wasn’t guilty of anything?  The DIVINE PLAN of GOD was about to be exquisitely fulfilled and NOTHING in HEAVEN nor on earth could prevent JESUS from paying the price for the sins of the CHOSEN.

In JESUS, we are referring to the second person on the triune GOD, and yet HE chose to remain silent rather than vindicate HIMSELF to Pilate!  “HE GAVE NO ANSWER” wasn’t an indication that HE didn’t have the answer, but that the answer was for HIM to sacrificially lay down HIS LIFE on my behalf!  In the passage of Scripture above, Pilate thought he had the ability to prevent the crucifixion of JESUS, but how else could a sinner like me satisfy the sin debt I owed?  

“HE GAVE NO ANSWER” to Pilate because HE was stumped was certainly not the case for JESUS, as I often find myself.  HE KNEW what was ahead of HIM and HE willingly proceeded with LOVE in HIS HEART!  JESUS CHRIST came to earth from HIS THRONE in Heaven to provide the HEAVENLY Sacrifice required by lowly, undeserving sinners like me, and when HE had the opportunity to offer rebuttal to questions “HE GAVE NO ANSWER”!!!

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