Friday, September 23, 2022


 Psalm 34:17-18                       (ESV)

    “[17] When the righteous cry for help, “THE LORD HEARS”

        and DELIVERS THEM out of all their troubles. 

    [18] The LORD is near to the brokenhearted

        and saves the crushed in spirit.”

These words have the ability to encourage when a depressing situation hits us, whenever we are UNABLE TO SEE a way out of a situation we are in?  The words DELIVER THEM caused me to remember the birth of my sons. Their mother is/was rather small, but their father was rather large!  They became men over 6 feet tall, rather active and very healthy!  

When both of them were in the womb, I PRAYED that they both would be healthy.  Although I was probably not, and most likely still aren’t, the most righteous man living, “THE LORD HEARS” the request of HIS servant and granted my requests!  

Although I am older now, I am “Brain Damaged” and “the enemy” tries to use depression to derail my thoughts and emotions every day, or so it seems!  FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause me to ALWAYS remember that “THE LORD HEARS” my cries and will DELIVER ME out of all my troubles.

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