Monday, September 12, 2022


Proverbs 8:32-36                     (ESV)

    “[32] “And now, O sons, “LISTEN TO ME”:

        blessed are those who keep MY ways. 

    [33] Hear instruction and be wise,

        and DO NOT NEGLECT IT. 


        watching daily at MY gates,

        waiting beside MY doors. 


        and obtains favor from the LORD, 

    [36] but he who fails to find ME injures himself;

        all who hate ME love death.””

The author of the book of Proverbs is widely accepted as King Solomon, the son of King David and Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah (Matthew 1:6).  Yes, King David was a man after GOD’S OWN heart (1 Samuel 13:14), but GOD used the sin of HIS servant to glorify HIM, as King Solomon was granted WISDOM (1 King 3) by ALMIGHTY GOD, from WHOM all WISDOM originates (Daniel 2:20; Psalms 19:7).  

Perhaps Solomon was granted WISDOM because he understood he was “…but a little child. I do not know how to go out or come in” (1 Kings 3:7)!  At the time, Solomon understood that GOD’s strength was his ONLY HOPE of serving in a capacity of which he was being CALLED.  When Solomon was writing these specific Proverbs, they were written as GOD HIMSELF were speaking to whom ever was reading the MESSAGE.  Solomon might have understood from being as “a little child” that he might not have the experience of keeping HIS ways, so he needed to rely only on what GOD was saying???

“And now, O sons, “LISTEN TO ME”: blessed are those who keep MY ways” is what ALMIGHTY GOD was/is saying to we who are CALLED “O sons”!  Since I am a son, I am REQUIRED to “LISTEN TO ME” and not do “what I think is best”!?!  GOD never PROMISES to direct us into the easiest way out!  HE often gets GLORY from deliverance from us “the valley of the shadow of death” (Psalms 23:4)!  Like Solomon, I am “but a little child” who needs to “LISTEN TO ME” and do what HE directs me to do, not “what I think is best”!!!

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