Tuesday, November 7, 2023


 Luke 5:12-16                           (Berean Study Bible)

The Leper’s Prayer

“12 While JESUS was in one of the towns, a man came along who was covered with leprosy. When he saw JESUS, he fell facedown and begged HIM, “LORD, if YOU are willing, YOU can make me clean.”

13 JESUS reached out HIS hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” HE said. “Be clean!” And immediately the leprosy left him.

14 “Do not tell anyone,” JESUS instructed him. “But go, show yourself to the priest and present the offering Moses prescribed for your cleansing, as a testimony to them.”

15 But the news about JESUS spread all the more, and great crowds came to hear HIM and to be healed of their sicknesses. 

16 Yet “HE FREQUENTLY WITHDREW” to the wilderness to pray.”

When I read the accounts of JESUS experiencing great success (like in the verses above) healing people who were sick from various causes, my thinking is that HE should have had the wherewithal to conquer the world! HE “made whole” folks who were afflicted with serious illness and disease, yet in verse sixteen above it says “…HE FREQUENTLY WITHDREW” to the wilderness to pray.”

JESUS wasn’t on earth just to prove that HE actually could overcome sickness and disease.  While HE came to provide healing, HE also came to pay the price for the sins of the CHOSEN, those who needed a SAVIOR!  

But “HE FREQUENTLY WITHDREW” from HIS MINISTRY, something HE loved, to pray.  HE didn’t pray to someone HE didn’t know.  HE and the FATHER are ONE, according to John 10:30!  HE would get away from the cares of “this world” and spend time ALONE with HIS HEAVENLY FATHER for many days at a time.  

JESUS loved helping people, but HE also LOVED HIS FATHER and spending time with HIM.  Do I love spending time with JESUS as much as I should?  Or would I rather spend time supposedly making money, or doing things that are pleasing to me, or anything else that isn’t related to the KINGDOM OF GOD???

My “quiet time” is generally after I am home alone in the morning.  To “attempt” to reenact the seventeen day sedation I experienced almost seventeen years ago isn’t something that I consider.  That “end” isn’t always easy to do, but GOD has proven to me that HE has brought me through the “means” before, and HE can do it again if necessary!!

HEAVENLY FATHER, cause me to remember that YOUR SON is GOD IN THE FLESH, yet “HE FREQUENTLY WITHDREW” to be alone with YOU!  Shouldn’t I consider that for my life???

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