Saturday, November 11, 2023


 Proverbs 16:18                   (ESV)

    “PRIDE” goes before destruction,

        and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

Being someone who has lived “in the south” my entire life may influence my decisions, but let me HUMBLY say that I am NOT a “proud southerner”!  GOD USES many different things to accomplish HIS PURPOSE in our lives.  The experiences of my life PREVENT me from being too caught up in “my” accomplishments.  When I SEE that I am nothing outside of JESUS, I am HUMBLED beyond description.  

Proverbs 16:18 doesn’t say “PRIDE” might get you into trouble, or “PRIDE” might turn you into something you won’t like!  Scripture actually says “PRIDE” goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall”!!!  The word DESTRUCTION has several synonyms including end, demolition , devastation and finally DEATH!

The differences between “PRIDE” and DESTRUCTION aren’t necessarily that far apart.  You can be PROUD of your family, but when the family comes before GOD ALMIGHTY, it will be DESTRUCTIVE!  Bottom line is, anything that comes BEFORE where GOD is in our lives is ALREADY bringing DESTRUCTION!  We have to have our EYES opened to SEE that “PRIDE” is a cancer that WILL destroy us!

My prayer is that I will never let “PRIDE” grow in my life again.  GOD has the ability to humble us rather easily, and having this TRUTH revealed to us can be VERY uncomfortable!!!

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