Tuesday, November 14, 2023

“HE IS!”

 Colossians 1:15-20                       (ESV)

The Preeminence of CHRIST

“[15] “HE IS” the image of the invisible GOD, the firstborn of all creation. [16] For BY HIM ALL THINGS WERE CREATED, in HEAVEN and on EARTH, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—ALL THINGS were created THROUGH HIM and FOR HIM. [17] And HE IS BEFORE ALL THINGS, and IN HIM ALL THINGS HOLD TOGETHER. [18] And HE is the head of the body, the church. HE is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. [19] For IN HIM all the fullness of GOD was pleased to dwell, [20] and THROUGH HIM to reconcile to HIMSELF ALL THINGS, whether on EARTH or in HEAVEN, making peace by the blood of HIS cross”.


by GOD, not fortune/luck

I recently watched a video about ‘DEO NON FORTUNA’, which is Latin for “by GOD, not fortune/luck”!  If you look ‘DEO NON FORTUNA’ up on an internet search engine, one engine gives “by GOD, not fortune/luck”!  

Could the Holy Spirit have “enlightened” the Apostle Paul and Timothy in writing this letter to the Church at Colossae that humanity would become SO full of itself that the common understanding was that the heavens and earth were simply a result of a “Big Bang” that was formed by inertia?  But where did inertia come from?  And where did the “Big Bang” come from???

There simply isn’t/wasn’t/will be ANY physical evidence that Creation exists without THE CREATOR!  Colossians 1:16 in part says “ALL THINGS were created THROUGH HIM and FOR HIM”!!  

There are A LOT of things that I have to “accept BY FAITH”!  If I am going to “accept BY FAITH” anything, it will be that GOD/JESUS CREATED everything, because “HE IS”!!!!

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