Tuesday, November 28, 2023



Isaiah 64:8                                 (ESV)

    [8] “But now, O LORD, YOU are our Father;

        we are the clay, and YOU are our POTTER;

        we are all the work of “YOUR HAND”.”

A largely forgotten hymn that was sung in church in my youth was HAVE THINE OWN WAY, LORD.  The hymn was reportedly written in 1906, but its words need to be heard by ALL people who are CALLED to live for HIM.  

1 Have thine own way, Lord! 

Have thine own way! 

Thou art the POTTER, 

I am the CLAY. 

Mold me and make me 

after thy will, 

while I am waiting, 

yielded and still. 

2 Have thine own way, Lord! 

Have thine own way! 

Search me and try me, 

Savior today! 

Wash me just now, Lord, 

wash me just now, 

as in thy presence 

humbly I bow. 

3 Have thine own way, Lord! 

Have thine own way! 

Wounded and weary, 

help me I pray! 

Power, all power, 

surely is thine! 

Touch me and heal me, 

Savior divine! 

4 Have thine own way, Lord! 

Have thine own way! 

Hold o'er my being 

absolute sway. 

Fill with thy Spirit 

till all shall see 

Christ only, always, 

living in me!

Isaiah 64:8 might be the verse Adelaide A. Pollard used when writing this hymn over 100 years ago, but its MESSAGE is very humbling to me.  Do I frequently succumb to “while I am waiting, yielded and still”?  Or do I more often than not beg GOD to work on the timeframe of my thoughts?  

I need to REMEMBER that I am the clay and HE IS THE POTTER!  “YOUR HAND” is where I desire to be, even when I am having to WAIT for YOUR deliverance!!!

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