Monday, February 26, 2024


 Ephesians 1:15-23                          (ESV)

Thanksgiving and Prayer

“[15] For this reason, BECAUSE I HAVE HEARD OF YOUR FAITH IN THE LORD JESUS and your love toward all the saints, [16] I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, [17] that the GOD of our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the FATHER of Glory, MAY GIVE YOU THE SPIRIT OF WISDOM AND OF REVELATION in the knowledge of HIM, [18] “HAVING THE EYES OF YOUR HEARTS ENLIGHTENED”, THAT YOU MAY KNOW what is the hope to which HE HAS CALLED YOU, what are the riches of HIS GLORIOUS INHERITANCE in the saints, [19] and what is the immeasurable greatness of HIS power toward us who BELIEVE, according to the working of HIS great might [20] that HE worked in CHRIST when HE raised HIM from the dead and seated HIM at HIS right hand in the Heavenly places, [21] FAR ABOVE above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come. [22] And HE put all things under HIS feet and gave HIM as HEAD over all things to the church, [23] which is HIS body, the fullness of HIM WHO fills all in all.”

The Apostle Paul is credited with writing several books of the New Testament of the Bible.  However, he did NOT automatically turn into the tried and true BELIEVER he was when writing his letters to the churches that have been included in the WORD OF GOD.  His JOURNEY even took him to Arabia for over three years (Galatians 1:19-20) as preparation for his ministry. 

The first mention of Apostle Paul in the New Testament is actually in Acts 7:58 as Saul, his name previous to his conversion, when he began “HAVING THE EYES OF YOUR HEARTS ENLIGHTENED”!  His TRANSFORMATION took him from watching “Jews” stoning Timothy in Acts 7:58, to Arabia in Galatians 1:19, and eventually to Rome in the early 60’s AD where he was beheaded at approximately 60 years of age by an order of Nero, according to Eusebius, an early church historian.   

“HAVING THE EYES OF YOUR HEARTS ENLIGHTENED” wasn’t a painless occurrence for the Apostle Paul.  He was imprisoned many times.  He listed his “accomplishments” in 2 Corinthians 11, and it was far from a “life of luxury”!  “HAVING THE EYES OF YOUR HEARTS ENLIGHTENED” didn’t promise a life of good times and successes for Paul, it DID, however, elevate the NAME of JESUS, which proved to be something that Paul gave his earthly life for in the end!!!

“HAVING THE EYES OF YOUR HEARTS ENLIGHTENED” could lead to the same “earthly” rewards that came to the Disciples of JESUS?  Or maybe the Apostle Paul??  Or even the SON OF GOD???  Whatever lies ahead for me, “HAVING THE EYES OF YOUR HEARTS ENLIGHTENED” by being a CHILD OF THE KING OF KINGS is worth it to me!!!

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