Saturday, February 3, 2024

“HEART Health Month!”

February is reportedly Heart Health Month?  I don’t know how it is decided to delegate a whole month to one organ, but we MUST have a heart to function properly as a human. 

I had quadruple bypass surgery on April 11, 2017.  They bypassed three semi-blocked arteries and bypassed one artery that was just too small to function properly.  Almost three years later I went to the hospital with chest pains AGAIN!!  While performing a “heart cath” the following morning the cardiologist said “everything is crystal clear!  You have no blockages!!”  Apparently the “bypasses blockages” broke loose and cause pretty severe discomfort going through my heart, but now I am free from blockages, per the cardiologist?!?!

It wasn’t as if I were worried about the blockages that were left in my heart, but it was as if ALMIGHTY GOD broke them loose and had the heart cath performed to convince me that HE WAS IN CONTROL, even of my coronary arteries??? 

Exodus 14:14 says “The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”!!  The Children of Israel didn’t need to “arm up” preparing for the battle against the oncoming Egyptians.  JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF said in Mark 4:9 “He who has EARS to HEAR, let him HEAR.”  Some (probably MOST) CANNOT absorb the MESSAGE that is being given to them today!  Can you HEAR the things of GOD???

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