Thursday, February 15, 2024


 Psalm 141:3                          (ESV)

    “[3] “SET A GUARD”, O LORD, over my mouth;

        KEEP WATCH over the door of my lips!”

ALMIGHTY GOD has an unimaginable number of ways to SPEAK to us!  I had always been of the “Leader of the Pack” mentality, wanting to be the FIRST to do whatever was before me….at least until July 09, 2007!  When I was brought out of the coma almost three weeks later, that mindset radically changed with NO INPUT from me!!  I wasn’t even capable of assisting in the breaths I was taking without assistance.  How could I assist in such a difficult situation when I wasn’t even able to breathe???

In 1 Kings 18-19 Elijah was “fleeing” from Jezebel, the wife of King Ahab, who “ruled” over the kingdom of Israel.  Elijah had JUST observed GOD engulfing with a mighty fire the offerings on the water soaked altar, along with the stones of the altar, yet Elijah chose to flee from King Ahab and Jezebel in FEAR???  Elijah had just witnessed the POWER of GOD through an unimaginable FIRE, and all of the sudden GOD wasn’t able to handle King Ahab and Jezebel??  

In verse 12 of 1 Kings 19, Elijah is told by GOD (KJV) NOT to get caught up in the cares of “this world” (strong wind, earthquakes and fires), but listen for a “still small voice” to guide him!!!  Isn’t it amazing that the SAME GOD WHO had just annihilated the offerings and the altar with a fire from Heaven now is telling Elijah to listen for a “still small voice”??  

King David says in Psalm 141:3 “SET A GUARD” over my mouth O LORD, requesting for THE ALMIGHTY to accomplish what only HE can!  KEEP WATCH over the door of my lips seems to me to be an admission that David might have had an inclination to say some words that GOD didn’t ordain to be said??  From GOD literally DESTROYING the altars and offerings in 1 Kings 18 to telling Elijah to listen for a “still small voice” in the very next chapter, GOD displays HIS abilities to accomplish HIS WILL!  Am I capable of LISTENING to HIM when I am busy with other things??  I implore YOU, O GOD, to “SET A GUARD” over me and cause me to LISTEN to and for YOUR DIRECTION!!!

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