Friday, February 23, 2024


 Colossians 1:17                  (ESV)

“[17] And HE (JESUS) is before ALL THINGS, and “IN HIM” ALL THINGS hold together.”

Recently there was a meme shared by a friend on social media that said “I’m not a 10.  I’m more like two 5s held together by mashed potatoes.”!!!  Of course, there were several emoticons of laughter about this statement, but it really caused me to think!!!

Colossians 1:17 immediately came to mind for me.  “And HE (JESUS) is before ALL THINGS, and “IN HIM” ALL THINGS hold together.”  As BELIEVERS, we sometimes fail to recall 1 Corinthians 7:23, which says “You were BOUGHT WITH A PRICE; DO NOT BECOME BONDSERVANTS OF MEN.”

Even though I AM CHOSEN (Ephesians 1:4), do I choose to inject “worldly passions” (Titus 2:12) into my life?  In Romans 7:21-25 the Apostle Paul writes “WHO will deliver me from this body of death”???  JESUS CHRIST our LORD is my ONLY HOPE!!!  “IN HIM” is the ONLY HOPE, not just for me, but for everyone and everything in “this world”!!!!

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