Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Are you listening?

Do you ever get to the point to where you NEED a word from God and it seems HE is nowhere to be found?  Does it seem as though GOD is playing "Hide and Seek" with you?  Regardless of how hard you pray, it seems as though the "call has been dropped"! 

GOD ALMIGHTY has such an interest in YOU (and me) that HE left the MAJESTY of HEAVEN to make a way for us to come to be with HIM!  In order for us to get to where we can understand what we need to do, our thoughts are directed by HIM!  All through the scriptures it is recorded of how HE knows our thoughts. Since HE knows our thoughts, HE must be aware of our circumstances and what we are dealing with. 

Why then does HE allow us to "STRUGGLE" at times?  Why do we have to go through some things?  Could it be, that just as in Genesis 22:13, GOD already knew that Abraham was going to OBEY HIM and had caused the sheep to be caught in the bush.  Abraham needed to know that GOD would provide a sacrifice for him.  Abraham had to go through the turmoil of going up the mountain with no idea of what his sacrifice would be, but GOD did provide for him!  GOD loves us just as HE loved Abraham.  HE has provided a lamb for us.  We just have to walk by FAITH and depend on GOD to provide!

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