Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Where did all of this come from?

When one thinks of how this ALL began, one has to consider that GOD allowed, permitted, desired a RELATIONSHIP with humans so that we can give HIM glory!! HIS design of man is so complex that doctors have no concrete evidence of how our “BODIES” work. When my younger sister was in the hospital 15 year ago, one of her doctors was trying to explain to me how she could have 23 biopsies come back NEGATIVE and yet they were convinced she still had GASTRIC CARCINOMA or Stomach Cancer. Her response was “Mr. Nelson, that is why we call this practicing medicine.....we don't have it all figured out yet!” I thought that was a cop out at the time, but we will NEVER figure it out! Scripture says in Psalms 139:4 that we are “fearfully and wonderfully” made. GOD made us so delicately that doctors and scientists have no idea what causes cancer, or any number of other diseases.

One only has to listen to Louie Giglio and his talk on LAMININ to realize how uniquely we are created. ( Realizing that JESUS CHRIST is the “GLUE” that holds everything together is not something that one can file away with everything else one has learned since the 1st grade science class. Colossians 1:15-17 gives a pretty clear indication of where/how “ALL THINGS” came to be and how everything holds together.

I realize the skeptics say there is no GOD and that is fine. But our loving GOD allows me to choose to believe and them to choose to not believe............ and choices DO HAVE CONSEQUENCES!

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