Saturday, March 10, 2012


Sometimes I get so caught up in doing things for people that "I THINK" needs to be done that I forget to pray about whether or not GOD wants me to help.  Just because a man is poor and has no money and I may have a dollar or two to help DOES NOT MEAN that GOD has plans for for me help! 

EXODUS 14:14 records a time when GOD just needed the people of Israel to "be silent" and let GOD be GOD!  It says "The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”. GOD did not need the Israelites to do ANYTHING but watch!  HE was working!

Lord, help me to remember that YOU do not need me to accomplish your work!  You "ALLOW" me to be a part of your work from time to time!  If I see a homeless person on the side of the road and I stop and help him, it is not so he can have a few dollars that I may have, it is so I can be blessed by the One who allowed to have those few dollars.  Sometimes GOD allows me to be used of HIM!  Sometimes "you have only to be silent!"

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