Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Where we have gone wrong.

From a post of mine a few days ago....

"The SAD thing is that MOST Americans do not realize that the problem is NOT President Obama or his failed policies or ideas! The problem is, we the people have turned our backs on GOD! Until we realize that the USA is great only because GOD allows us to be great, WE ARE DOOMED FOR FAILURE!!"

The human race in America needs to come to the realization that our GOD is a jealous GOD.  HE will NOT continue to be drug through the mud as we are doing.  We can blame the leaders of our country all we want, but scripture says in 2 Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) that "If MY PEOPLE, which are called by MY NAME, shall humble themselves, and PRAY, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, THEN will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

We all have our own lives to live, our own problems to face, our own challenges to overcome.  But until we come to the realization that our only hope is to put our FAITH back in Almighty GOD then we are going to be lacking in our country. 

I was speaking with a friend of mine yesterday and he reminded me that our problems started as a nation when we started trusting in our MONEY and STRENGTH and not the ONE who blessed us with our wealth and POWER! 

GOD IN HEAVEN, grant us mercy where we as a nation have turned our eyes to the blessings you have blessed us with instead of keeping our eyes on YOU!

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