Thursday, March 1, 2012


“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me a number of times, you are a weather man.:)”

This was posted on my Facebook wall recently. The really sad thing about this is, it is SO TRUE! How many times does the weather man on the local news totally miss what is going on with the weather? It seems as though there is a FORCE beyond their figures or calculations that is driving the wind.

Where does the wind come from from? What causes the trees to move, the leaves to fly, the birds to soar? In Genesis 8:1 scripture points out that “GOD made the wind to pass over the earth”! Shouldn't the CREATOR of the universe have control over what HE created? Why do tornado's occur? Why do hurricane's happen? Why does HE allow for natural disasters to happen? Why, if HE is such a loving GOD, does HE cause or allow a tsunami to wash away thousands of people who seemingly have NO CHANCE?

Isaiah 55:8 (KJV) says that “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.” Isaiah 55 goes on to explain that just as heavenly ways are higher than earthly ways and HIS thoughts are more than anything we are capable of thinking. Sometimes we will NOT have the answers for questions in life! We are not GOD and we will not be like HIM so that we understand some of these things, until we are transformed to be like HIM!

So, don't get frustrated with the weather man if he misses his forecast! Perhaps if GOD were giving forecasts HE would be more accurate! But, we would have to listen to HIM better than I do!!

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