Tuesday, March 20, 2012


About five years ago, I experienced a medical condition that caused me to be put into a "Drug Induced" coma for a number of days.  When I came out of the coma, my brain was slow to react.  My "word recall" was "NOT RECALLING"!  Even now, I cannot find the word that I would prefer to use in a situation.  Frustration has never been so great as knowing what point you want to get across, but not being able to find the words to communicate it!

Through this ordeal though, one GOOD thing has developed.  I have become a LOT more deliberate with what I say and KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT more.  I am sure my wife would argue that I am not "deliberate" enough! 

Proverbs 18:21 says "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit."  They say that the tongue is the most powerful muscle in the body per square inch.  But, the damage that can be done with one's tongue cannot be measured.  We must give thoughtful consideration to what comes out of our mouth.  Luke 6:45 tells us you paint a picture of what is in your heart when you speak.  Make sure that people are seeing JESUS when they see you speak!

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