Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Who am I?

Job 33:31-33  (ESV)

   "Pay attention, O Job, listen to me;
        be silent, and I will speak.
    If you have any words, answer me;
        speak, for I desire to justify you.
    If not, listen to me;
        be silent, and I will teach you wisdom.”

Sometimes I find myself with nothing to say!  No sense of direction to address the issues that face me or the world on that day. Why do the problems that face us seem SO HUGE?  The "PROBLEMS" we face are not what we make them out to be.

My HEAVENLY FATHER is sitting at the control panel of  the whole universe.  But, He also has time for me!  My seemingly busy, convoluted existence is more than I can fathom at times.  Yet, GOD is vast enough to handle all of my issues, and the other 6.5 BILLION people who live on earth, all while desiring a personal relationship with me!! 

I have a picture on my office wall of President George W. Bush with my family while he was campaigning for office.  I have always wanted to visit with President Bush and us share with each other how JESUS had brought each of us through the difficult times in our lives while drinking a large glass of "sweet tea" after cutting firewood on his ranch in Crawford, TX.  Then I realize that I have a close, personal relationship with the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!  Meeting with George W. Bush will not hold a candle to getting to sit down with JESUS and talk with HIM about how HE brought me through the darkest times while I was a visitor here on this EARTH!

Sometimes, I just have to be reminded WHO I AM and WHO HE IS!!!

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