Thursday, May 10, 2012

Are you HUMBLE?

On May 04 I wrote about being humble.  My post was from a friend and it began with this. 

"Humility is the voluntary lowering of yourself or the willingness to give up something that should rightfully be yours. To be humble, you must eliminate pride and arrogance from your life."

The LORD will not let me get passed this statement.  I am not very intelligent so I have to look everything up on  Humility, according that website, is defined as a "modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance."  The statement above goes on to say we must "eliminate pride and arrogance" from our lives. According to "PRIDE" means "a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit or superiority".  The definition of "ARROGANCE" is an "offensive display of superiority or self-importance: overbearing pride". 

The word "OWN" is used in two of the three definitions listed above, and not in affectionate tones!  It is not about what I want or what I think I may need.  GOD loves me, but just as I did not let my children have everything the wanted or asked for, GOD cannot and does not allow me to have everything I wish for.  It is about HIM and what HE has determined I need. 

When will I realize that my existence here on this earth is NOT about ME!!!  It has taken all of my 50+ years to come to the realization that life is not about what I want or I desire.  It is about how I can be used "OF HIM, FOR HIM, and BY HIM" to do HIS WILL! 

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