Sunday, May 13, 2012


Today is the day we celebrate MOTHER'S DAY!  Mom's from across the globe are getting flowers and candy and being told how much they mean to their family.  Happy Mother's Day to all of the mom's out there!

My wife is a MOTHER to two wonderful young men that are blessings from THE LORD!  Her mother was the "spittin image" that she followed!  Her and her mom are the perpetual "MOM" in that they are always "doing" for their children. 

My MOM was the BEST mom......for me!  Your mom is the BEST mom for you!  MOM's do/don't do things for us that GOD uses to MOLD into what HE desires us to be.  I have read on Facebook this morning and in the newspaper all kinds of tributes to MOM's and people who want to be with their more time! 

I LOVE my mom. although she passed from this life into ETERNAL life in 2008.  But I do not want to see her again NEAR as much as I want to see JESUS.  I want to see the one who left HIS heavenly home to VISIT HIS creation and make a way for me to come where HE is.  Isaiah 64:6 says "all out rightousnesses are as filthy rags!"  I want to see what HE makes of me when I enter HEAVEN!  Deserving..........not in  the least!  EXPECTING...........absolutely!!!

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