Friday, May 4, 2012

Cindy Hodde

"You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body."  C.S. Lewis

This quote was made before C.S. Lewis passed away in 1963.  A year or so before C.S. Lewis died, GOD brought Cindy Hodde into this world as a SOUL! 

Cindy Hodde has been my friend since the late 1980's.  We went to church together and have sang in choir, praise teams, trios, quintets, and duos.  She always was singing in her heart as well with her precious voice.  Let me say also, Cindy CAN cook!  It always makes me wonder what GOD was thinking to make some people so skinny and still be able to cook! 

Now I am not going to lie and say that Cindy has never said a bad word about anybody.  I don't want to try and make her more than she really is!  I am not sure that those people REALLY exist.  But to those who know Cindy, she is as sweet a person as you will ever meet.  And she LOVED her LORD! 

Her husband, Richard, has been her best-friend for 30+ years.  They reared three young men and THEN adopted two young ladies and finished raising THEIR girls!  Cindy Hodde was NOT perfect here on earth!  But she is now!  On May 03, 2012 at around 9:00PM Cindy Hodde left her body and continued her ETERNAL LIFE in heaven with JESUS and the angels!  ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) won the battle for her body, but the ultimate VICTORY was won on Calvary when JESUS died for her! 

I will miss seeing you...............for awhile!  My friend, as Rusty Goodman wrote a few years ago "LOOK FOR ME, I WILL BE THERE TOO!

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