Saturday, April 13, 2013

Doing your chores!

One day a little boy was playing by himself outside in the shade.  His father came and asked the boy to do some chores.  The little boy was enjoying playing so much the fathers request was soon forgotten.  The little boy was just playing with some army men he had gotten for his birthday, not bothering anyone.  He was so caught up with playing his games the request of the father soon was forgotten.  

That evening, after the boy had readied for bed, the father asked his son how many chores he had completed?  The little boy ashamedly had to admit that he had forgotten requests!  The boy was having so much fun playing games that the fathers requests fell on deaf ears!

One day soon The LORD JESUS will return.  Matthew 25:13 says "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh."   Will I be one who has completed the fathers plan for my life?  Or will I be one who is having so much "fun" playing games that I forget about my chores!   I can sit around and play insignificant games as in Matthew 7:22 (e.g....go to church, put money in the offering plate, eat at the church socials, etc...)  or I can  "be about my Father’s business".   

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