Thursday, April 4, 2013

HURRY UP!!! (please!)

Matthew 14:13  (ESV)
"Now when Jesus heard this, HE WITHDREW from there in a boat to a desolate place by himself. But when the crowds heard it, they followed him on foot from the towns."

JESUS was grieving for HIS friend, John the baptizer.  Herod was snookered by Herodias to have John the Baptizer's head given to her daughter on a platter.  

The fact I find captivating today is "he (JESUS) withdrew from there in a boat to a desolate place by himself".  This was the Son of GOD!  If anyone knew where John the Baptizer was it was JESUS!  But JESUS had to be alone with GOD!  

Scripture indicates HE wanted to be "by HIMSELF".  If JESUS needed to spend time alone, doesn't it stand to reason that I need to spend time.....alone......with JESUS!!!   HE "withdrew" to be alone!  I need to make a concerted effort to "be alone" with The LORD for wisdom and guidance in my life.  

Our culture has developed a "Fast-Food" mentality!  We seem to think that GOD has to keep up with our time schedule so we can be successful.  But many times GOD works on a different time schedule than I do!   

GOD is not moved by my time constraints.  We need to "get alone with GOD" and let HIM be GOD!  "BE STILL....." Psm 46:10      

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