Sunday, September 7, 2014


1 Peter 1:16                  (KJV)
"16 Because "IT IS WRITTEN", BE YE HOLY; for I AM HOLY."

Keeping it simple the morning!   Everyone is "challenging" those around them to do this or that for some worthy cause?  But GOD's WORD has a challenge to all who dares to listen!  In Leviticus 11, where "IT IS WRITTEN", GOD instructs all who will listen to live to "make a difference between the unclean and the clean"!

We are are blessed to live under grace.  But we are not released from living HOLY LIVES!  I don't expect many to listen to an old, broken down man when the GOD of the universe has already told them.  All I am instructed to do is live HOLY and love those whom HE places in my path!

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