Thursday, September 11, 2014


Habakkuk 2:2-4               (ESV)
"2 And the LORD answered me: "WRITE the vision; make it PLAIN on tablets, so he may run who reads it.
3 For still the vision AWAITS its APPOINTED time; it hastens to the end-it will not lie. IF IT SEEMS SLOW, "WAIT FOR IT"; it will SURELY come; it will not delay.
4 "Behold, his soul is puffed up; it is not upright within him, but the RIGHTEOUS shall LIVE BY his FAITH."

GOD has given me a vision, a dream, a PROMISE, that I sometimes get impatient waiting for it to happen.  For those who know me, patience has never been a virtue I have exhibited in great measure!  Last night I was praying that GOD would give me a sign that I was on the right path, that I was not missing HIS purpose for my life.  This morning Habakkuk 2:3 came into my mind!  The following commentary paragraph (with parenthetical additions) was found that spoke VOLUMES to me.  I pray it will speak to someone else today!

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
"Habakkuk 2:1-4: When tossed and perplexed with doubts about the methods of (DIVINE) Providence, we must watch (or GUARD) against temptations to be "impatient". When we have poured out complaints and requests before God, we must observe the answers God gives by His word, His Spirit, and providences; what the Lord will say to our case. "God will not disappoint" the believing expectations of "those who wait" to hear what He will say unto them. All are concerned in the truths of God's word. Though the promised favour be "DEFERRED LONG", "it "WILL" come at last, and "ABUNDANTLY" recompense us for waiting. The humble, broken-hearted, repenting sinner, alone seeks to obtain an interest in this salvation. HE WILL REST HIS SOUL ON THE PROMISE, and on CHRIST, in and through whom it is given. Thus he walks and works, as well as LIVES BY FAITH, perseveres to the end, and is exalted to glory; while those who DISTRUST or despise God's all-sufficiency WILL NOT walk uprightly with HIM. The just shall live by faith in these precious promises, while the performance of them is deferred. Only those made JUST by FAITH, shall live, shall be happy here and for ever.

Abram had to wait a long time before GOD renamed him Abraham.  Then he had to wait even longer for Isaac (his promise) to be born.  The FAITHFUL people of the Old Testament had to wait over 4,000 years for JESUS to come to earth.  GOD is moved by HIM receiving glory.  And HE sees beyond our desires, even our desires to do what we perceive is doing good for HIS Kingdom.  HIS "ABUNDANT recompense" is coming!  We may not understand HIS timing, but "If it seems SLOW, "WAIT FOR IT": it will SURELY come" is not a suggestion, it is PROMISE!!

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