Saturday, December 19, 2015


Psalms 46:8-11                               (ESV)
"8 Come, "BEHOLD THE WORKS OF THE LORD", how HE has brought desolations on the earth.
9 HE makes wars cease to the end of the earth; HE breaks the bow and shatters the spear; HE burns the chariots with fire.
10 BE STILL, and know that I am GOD. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"
11 The LORD of hosts is with us; the GOD of Jacob is our fortress. Selah"

It amazes me when I look back over my life how GOD uses things I THOUGHT was put into my life for a certain purpose for an entirely different ends.  One of the most difficult times in the lives of my family had to have been when my brain hemorrhaged several years ago.  I say "the lives of my family" for I was put into a drug-induced coma and had absolutely no CONTROL over anything in my life.

For at least since I graduated from high school I had been guiding the ship of my life on a path that I THOUGHT was of my choosing.  Looking back, the life of this wretch of a man was following a path orchestrated by the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob down a journey only HE could receive honor and glory for!  Just as the children of Israel were led by the Spirit of the living GOD to the banks of the Red Sea with the Egyptians chasing after them AND GOD saying in Exodus 14:4 "I WILL GET GLORY OVER PHARAOH AND ALL HIS HOSTS", GOD has directed my life's path through some scary situations where only HE can receive honor and glory!

While recovering from the brain hemorrhage for almost two years, GOD revealed Psalms 46:10 to me.  When HE led me to buy the insurance agency back (a miracle in itself), that HE had me found from scratch in 1999, I THOUGHT HE was going to lead me directly to tremendous prosperity where HE would receive glory.  Little did I know and understand GOD would use owning an agency in my "brain damaged" mindset as a tool to grow me to EXPERIENCE both BE STILL and now "BEHOLD THE WORKS OF THE LORD"!

PSALMS 46:10 Ministries was began to be set up on March 01, 2013 with grand ideas in mind, but GOD has worked in my life to slow me down and recognize that HE is in CONTROL, even if we think we are doing everything for HIM!  The final approval from the Internal Revenue Service was received on June 06, 2014, but once again, GOD wasn't carrying me down the imagined path I THOUGHT HE would lead me down.

The Spiritual growth that has come to my life over the past eight years has been nothing short of phenomenal, an Exodus 14 encounter!  Even while I write this, it is 2:30AM and after a day/evening of keeping my granddaughters, GOD sent me to bed early, only to wake me at 1:00AM to write these words!  To see HIS Hand in, and on, my life in the manner HE has been involved over my entire life, is a story that one has to experience to believe.

Psalms 46:10 begins with the words BE STILL!  Being in a coma for 17 days is about as STILL as one can get!  But as I have grown, I now see GOD working to achieve SO much more than I could have possibly seen in 2013 when HE directed me to start the ministry.  "BEHOLD THE WORKS OF THE LORD" in Psalms 46:8 is a verse that requires us to "BE STILL" (in Psalms 46:10) to accomplish.  How can we "BEHOLD THE WORKS OF THE LORD" at the pace "this world" tries to make us think we MUST operate in?  The methods of the enemy is to do whatever he can to keep our focus off of Heaven and the things of GOD!

GOD has used my life's journey, including those 17 days in a coma, to get me to slow down enough to "BEHOLD THE WORKS OF THE LORD"!  To recognize that only the same GOD WHO caused King David to write Psalms 46 would direct my life down the journey I have traveled is more than amazing!  How can I doubt anything HE has promised when I "BEHOLD THE WORKS OF THE LORD"??

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