Thursday, December 24, 2015


John 8:12             (ESV)
"Again JESUS spoke to them, saying, "I AM "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD". Whoever follows ME will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

There are those who verbalize that if GOD is such a good god why does HE allow evil to prevail in "this world" we live in?  People ask if GOD is in control why do bad things happen, why our leaders are so corrupt, and why disease and illness run amok.  GOD still LOVES, but HE will not force us to follow HIM.  If mankind chooses to follow other gods (Joshua 24:15), they shall reap the rewards of their choices!

2 Corinthians 4:3-4 says "And even if our gospel is veiled, it is VEILED TO THOSE WHO ARE PERISHING.  In their case the "god of this world" has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of CHRIST, who is the image of GOD."  When the LIGHT is removed, things cannot be seen as clearly and it can become more difficult to determine which way to proceed.  Mankind has chosen to remove any acknowledgement or reference to GOD and HIS Holiness, therefore the line between TRUTH an compromise has become so blurred that real TRUTH seems almost archaic.

When you cover up a LIGHT, only darkness remains!  "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD" does not lose it's power for those of us who follow HIM.  JESUS says that we who follow HIM "will NOT walk in darkness, but WILL HAVE the LIGHT of life"!  The world will try to make us uncomfortable as we walk in "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD", but if we are following HIM we will glorify HIS NAME!

Please, PLEASE note that we aren't talking about just any "LIGHT OF THE WORLD"!  This "LIGHT OF THE WORLD" is also known as the "I AM"!  To say that it is a coincidence that the words "I AM" come just before "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD" in this passage only serves to cover up HIS GLORY!  FATHER IN HEAVEN, cause me not to be part of the creation that ignores that "I AM" is "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD"!!

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