Sunday, December 6, 2015


Colossians 3:1-4                          (ESV)
"1 If then you have been raised with CHRIST, seek the things that are above, where CHRIST is, seated at the right hand of GOD.
2 "SET YOUR MINDS" on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.
4 When CHRIST who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory."

Yesterday I wrote about the SPIRIT of GOD  living inside of my body and allowing HIM to guide my steps in life.  Today GOD is directing me to "SET YOUR MINDS" on HIM and the things that are above!  In reading commentaries on Colossians 3:2 many words are used help us better understand the premise of "SET YOUR MINDS".  Some of these words are worthy of further probing to assure that I am doing what GOD has directed me to do in HIS Word.

To "SET YOUR MINDS" can mean to TRAIN our minds to respond in a certain manner.  Whenever we TRAIN our minds we focus on getting our minds to react in a way to specific words that will glorify GOD.  When I hear about actions that sicken me, or make me fearful, or anything that draws my focus to anything that is on the things that are of "this world" my reaction should be to focus on things that are above.  Just as an athlete has to train his body to respond to adverse conditions, Believers are told to TRAIN our minds to respond to adverse thoughts when the enemy bombards our minds.

Another word used by some commentaries is to RELISH, or desire, something.  The dictionary uses words such as "liking or enjoyment of the taste of something", or "pleasurable appreciation of anything".  We are to "SET YOUR MINDS" on things that are above, because those are the things that are real and have substance.  When we "SET OUR MINDS" on things above we tend to do things that only HE can receive glory for.

When we "SET OUR MINDS" on heavenly things it is similar to connecting to a Wifi connection on a laptop or cellular phone.  We can perform all kinds of tasks WITHOUT being connected to Wifi, but when we are connected to Wifi the tasks are completed because we are "in tune" with the FATHER!  JESUS spoke about this is John 15:5 when HE said "I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in ME and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from ME you can do nothing".  My desire is for everything I do to come from the FATHER through GOD's Wifi!

Continuing with the Wifi example, there are those who don't have access to the internet because they don't think something like that exists.  Even though they can see evidence of things accomplished by the internet, they can't see, touch, or feel the internet so, IN THEIR MINDS the internet doesn't exist.  Where FAITH comes into play is when we "SET YOUR MINDS" on things above, making a decision to TRUST that GOD IS IN CONTROL and HE will be glorified!  FAITH is an extremely simple, yet complex thing that is made simpler when we "SET YOUR MINDS" on things above!!!

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