Saturday, December 5, 2015


1 Corinthians 6:19-20                         (ESV)
"19 Or "DO YOU NOT KNOW" that your body is a temple of the HOLY SPIRIT within you, WHOM you have from GOD? YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN,
20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify GOD in your body."

Knowing that GOD ALMIGHTY occupies this shell commonly referred to as my body is an extremely humbling idea, but one that the Apostle Paul was very plain about.  In the same letter to the church in Corinth Paul wrote in chapter 3:16 "Do you not know that you are GOD's temple and that GOD's Spirit dwells in you"?

There is MUCH that can be said about the two verses above.  When we "accept" GOD's offer of grace we allow HIM to sit on the Throne of our lives.  YOU ARE NOT YOUR OWN means that we belong to someone else.  JESUS CHRIST "bought" our souls, AND OUR BODIES, when HE paid our sin-debt on Calvary.  When we allow HIM to guide and direct our lives we give up all right to complain about where HE directs our paths as HE can (and will) overcome all obstacles in our way.

From time to time I need to be reminded that GOD has control of my life.  "DO YOU NOT KNOW" should never be asked of me, but sometimes my life doesn't reflect that HE is leading me!  Worry and strife should never enter my mind when The CREATOR of the universe has written in HIS Word that HE is guiding my life.  My testimony should be "DO YOU NOT KNOW" that the great I AM lives in my heart and HE gets all glory for any good from my life.

Maybe you "DO YOU NOT KNOW" that HE can live inside of your body and guide your life?  You need to prepare yourself, because there are no guarantees that HE will guide you to comfort and solace!  As a matter of fact, JESUS promised in John 16:33 that we"will have tribulation", so don't be looking for a "comfortable cruise" in life.  But remember "DO YOU NOT KNOW" that JESUS can live inside of you and all your battles will belong to HIM!!!

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