Saturday, December 26, 2015


After a day celebrating "CHRISTMAS", I wanted to share some thoughts about the entire season "this world " has labeled "CHRISTMAS"!

Luke 2:7 says "And she (Mary) gave birth to her firstborn SON and wrapped HIM in swaddling cloths and laid HIM in a manger, because there was NO PLACE for them in the inn."  The King James Version says "there was NO ROOM for them".  The thing that sticks out in my mind was that GOD was providing a redemptive plan for mankind, and "this world" was too busy, too caught up in their own "rat-race" to acknowledge HIM!  Is there any room for HIM in my world?  Am I too busy to recognize when HE is trying to do something of great proportions?

John 1:1-5                     (ESV)
"1 In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with GOD, and the WORD was GOD.
2 "HE WAS" was in the beginning with GOD.
3 All things were made through HIM, and without HIM was not any thing made that was made.
4 In HIM was life, and the life was the LIGHT of men.
5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

Mankind, believers and non-believers alike, has gotten so caught up in the "birth" of a Savior that we sometimes forget to acknowledge that JESUS "has been" with GOD from the beginning.  Many places scripture says that GOD "sent" JESUS indicating that JESUS was in Heaven with HIM from the beginning.  Just because mankind had JESUS revealed to us at HIS birth, HE has existed from the beginning with the FATHER.  Just because my mind can't grasp HIM being at Creation doesn't mean HE wasn't?

John 4:24 "GOD is spirit, and those who worship HIM "MUST" worship in spirit and truth."  To fully "worship HIM" we "MUST worship in spirit and truth"!   We can't be caught up in the physical (doing STUFF for HIM).  We MUST graduate and elevate our worship to spirit and truth, or we aren't doing something right!.

Philippians 2:8 says "And being found in human form, HE humbled HIMSELF by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross".  GOD INCARNATE humbled HIMSELF to be crucified on Calvary's cross, and HE knew before the foundations of the world that HE would sacrifice HIMSELF, all out of LOVE for me!

There is MUCH that could be expounded upon regarding the words written above.  I choose to leave you only with a quote from President Ronald Reagan when he said, "Some celebrate the day (CHRISTMAS) as marking the birth of a great and good man, a wise teacher and prophet, and they do so sincerely. But for many of us it’s also a holy day, the birthday of the Prince of Peace, a day when “GOD so loved the world” that HE sent us HIS only begotten SON to assure forgiveness of our sins.”

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