Thursday, June 30, 2016


Philippians 1:19-21                     (ESV)
"19 for I know that through your prayers and the help of the SPIRIT of JESUS CHRIST this will turn out for my deliverance,
20 as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always "CHRIST WILL BE HONORED" in my body, whether by life or by death.
21 For to me to live is CHRIST, and to die is gain."

Many times I find myself in the depths of despair and self-pity!  Thoughts of "I don't deserve this", or "I should have done things differently", or a similar expression generally enter my mind while wallowing in my doubt.  There is little time or room for glorifying GOD when your thoughts are focused on your own situation.  And the last thing the enemy wants to occur is for GOD to be glorified!

The Apostle Paul was thought to be imprisoned when he wrote the letter to the church in Philippi (v13).  He could have bemoaned the situation he and Timothy found themselves in, but rather he wrote  "CHRIST WILL BE HONORED" through his difficulties.  Being detained would seemingly curtail one's ability to spread the gospel (Good News), but Paul recognized that GOD was/is in control of ALL THINGS (Romans 8:28) and HE would get glory from the sufferings he had to endure!  The Apostle Paul was quite willing to endure difficulties and sufferings for GOD to be glorified (2 Timothy 4:6-8), even being put to death!

Modern day Christianity has become so comfortable with our blessings and prosperity that we seem to have lost sight of suffering for the sake of the gospel.  When we see "preachers" living in multi-million dollar homes and flying private jets we "perceive" they must be doing something right?  I wonder where the Apostle Paul would be classified today?  Better still, I wonder where JESUS would be classified (Mark 10:35-45)???

Paul stated that whether by life or by death, "CHRIST WILL BE HONORED" in my body!  We should have the same resolve to make sure "CHRIST WILL BE HONORED" in our lives, but I fail HIM so miserably at times with my life!  Thanks to GOD ALMIGHTY that HIS grace (2 Corinthians 12:9-11) IS sufficient and I am so glad it is!  May I forever be mindful that whatever circumstances I find myself in that "CHRIST WILL BE HONORED" by my life!!!

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