Monday, June 20, 2016


‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭10:1-2‬              (‭NASB‬‬)
"Now Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took their respective firepans, and after putting fire in them, placed incense on it and offered strange fire before the LORD, which HE had not commanded them. And fire came out from the presence of the LORD and consumed them, and they "DIED BEFORE THE LORD.”

In modern times, we don't (and I am including myself) have a great enough respect for GOD, nor HIS WORD!  People tend to do what they want and ask forgiveness if it violates GOD's instructions, or HIS WORD.  There are times when I find myself in open violation of GOD's WORD, yet I act as though GRACE will get me out of a tough spot?  When I read about Nadab and Abihu I am left to shudder in fear of my actions or inactions from time to time.

Nadab and Abihu were sons of Aaron, the first priest of Israel, according to the book Leviticus. Aaron's story begins in Exodus, with Aaron as spokesperson for and assistant to his younger brother, Moses.  But his sons didn't follow GOD like their father.  They thought they would worship GOD by their own rules, only GOD didn't hold their decision in the highest regard.  They were immediately "consumed" and "they died before the LORD.”

I'm not sure what it was that GOD took such offense to, but suffice it to say that GOD didn't like people changing the way GOD was to be worshipped!  The thing is, GOD struck them down with no warning, no second chances!  If I were on a leash no longer than that, I would be "consumed" long ago!  If not for GRACE, GOD would have had to burn me as quickly as HE did Nadab and Abihu.  HE is a loving GOD, but HIS chief attribute is "I AM HOLY" (Leviticus 11:44)!  Don't get my HOLY GOD confused with the "easy-believism" theology that some want to preach.

When GOD observes my life, all HE can see is the blood of JESUS CHRIST on Calvary covering my sinful actions.  The sacrifice of THE LAMB paid my sin debt!  Nadab and Abihu "DIED BEFORE THE LORD" for their sins.  GRACE shouts that JESUS "DIED BEFORE THE LORD" for my sins!

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